Teenie Weenie Boppie

A pris du LSD

Un sucre et la voici

Au bord de la folie

Une Rolls la frole de son aile

Un prince du rock est au volant

Il lui fait signe agitant vers elle

Ses fines dentelles et ses volants

Teenie Weenie Boppie

A pris du LSD

Un sucre et la voici

A terre evanouie

Un grand garcon en habit sudiste

Lui tend ses deux mains gantees de blanc

A son doigt une mauve amethyste

En la griffant s’est teintee de sang

Teenie Weenie Boppie

A pris du LSD

Un sucre et la voici

Deja a l’agonie

Que sont ces fleurs aux couleurs exquises

Qui derivent au fil du courant

C’est Mike Jagger qui dans la Tamise

S’est noye dans ses beaux vetements

Teenie Weenie Boppie

Est morte dans la nuit

De quoi, mais d’avoir pris

Une dose de LSD

Translated for Beck for Serge Gainsbourg Tribute Night @ The Hollywood Bowl

Teeny Weeny Boppie

Just took some LSD

One stamp and she will be

At the edge of folly

A Rolls Royce brushes by her arm

A prince of rock is there at the wheel

He gives her a little sign: “come over!”

With her fine lace and with her frills

Teeny Weeny Boppie

Just took some LSD

One stamp and she will be

Passed out for all to see

A big man dressed just like Johnny Reb

Holds out his two hands with white gloves

A mauve amethyst ring on his finger

It scratches her and comes away with blood

Teeny Weeny Boppie

Just took some LSD

One stamp and she will be

Writhing in agony

What are all these vibrant colored flowers 

Drifting lifeless with the river’s flow?

It’s Mick Jagger who is in the Thames

He has drowned in all his pretty clothes.

Teeny Weeny Boppie

Has died sometime tonight

Of what? Well, of taking

A dose of LSD

Translator’s notes 
